We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to W & I Resort, to the City of Mission and to the Rio Grande Valley. Our hope is that you will enjoy your stay here in the park and in the Valley. Within this website, you will find some very helpful information, but if you should still have questions about anything don’t hesitate to call or come by the park office. Again, welcome to our park and thank you
for choosing W & I.
Quick Facts about W&I Resort
- W & I stands for Winnebago & Itasca
- Park members are leaseholders and collectively own W & I
- The park has 233 lots. Currently 33 of those lots are RV Pads.
- The park has a 9 Member Board of Directors, who are leaseholders and residents of the park
- W & I Resort is staffed by a full-time year-round manager, one, year-round ground maintenance worker, and a part-time building custodian